Thursday, February 28, 2013

Photos of the arrival of "The Cloud of God's Glory" back onto the Earth again

Photos of the arrival of "The Cloud of God's Glory" back onto the Earth again
The beloved one told me to notice the very unusual red red sunset that was happening outside. I told him that had to be the most amazing thing that I had ever seen. He said to get a camera and take a picture of it. I do. And as I stand there a huge blast of light came down. And the mighty "Shekinah" or the "Cloud of God's Glory" appeared. And it was captured on film. For the first time in recorded history. God himself allowed himself to be photographed. A total of four different pictures were captured. An groundbreaking historical event to be sure. The return of the "divine presence" or the actual physical presence of God to the earth, the mighty Shekinah.  *Note: The mighty "Shekinah" or the "Cloud of God's Glory" (another term used in the bible is the "Glory of the Lord") is a very enhanced version of the "Holy Spirit" of God. It is the "focal point" of God, it is the exact point where the "divine presence" of God exists. The Shekinah of God (the presence of God) was last seen on the Earth in 73AD, it left three years after the second Holy Temple (its home) was lost.
In this first picture you see a huge blast of light come down from the sky and you can just start to see the beginnings of the eyes and nose of the beloved "Shekinah" or "the Cloud of God's Glory" starting to form up and come together.

In the lower picture, after the big blast of light passed, you see a clear picture of the mighty "Shekinah" (in the bible called "the Cloud of God's Glory") and all the many many signs that the Father added to the picture. The Shekinah is in the center, a little to the right in the lower picture, its beautiful eyes, eyelashes and nose are the first things that you see.

A total of four pictures of the "Cloud of God's Glory" (or "the Shekinah") were captured. This would be the first real image of God that has ever been captured since the dawn of time.

The beloved "Shekinah" (or the other term used is "the Glory of the Lord") that you see in the center of this blow up of that picture is a very enhanced version of the "Holy Spirit" of God.

Among the Hebrews one of the traditional names of God is "the Shekinah", and it is a feminine gender noun. From time immemorial, the Jews have always considered God to be a female. Many Hebrews see "the Shekinah" as the mother or feminine aspect of God.
To console an Israel in Diaspora, the comforting, forgiving and loyal presence of God in the form of the Shekinah emerged. In the Talmud it says: "They were exiled to Babylon, the Shekinah with them. They were exiled to Egypt, the Shekinah with them." And, it says in Lamentations 1, 5, "Her children are gone into captivity," and immediately after (1,6), "From Zion her splendor is departed." (Note the use of "her" for God and "splendor" is also one of the ways to describe the Shekinah).
Other terms in the bible referring to the Shekinah are "The Glory of the Lord" and "The Cloud of God's Glory".
She was the pillar of fire that led the Israelites through the wilderness. She was the burning bush that spoke to Moses.

"The Shekinah" eventually became an interchangeable term with "the Holy Spirit' in both Judaism and Christianity.

In the new testament I referred to God as "Dear Father". But I could just as easily said "Dear Mother". "Dear Parent" might have been a little more accurate.

In the photograph of the Shekinah,
The close up of the pretty eyes and nose,
Shows that even the pupils are in the exact right spot.

Right in the center of the iris of God's eyes.

The pretty eyes and the beautiful eyelashes are also from the Song Of Solomon. "Your eyes are like doves", Song 1:15. Now you can see what Solomon was referring to. The entire Song Of Solomon book in the bible is written just about its great beauty and poise. The Shekinah is said to be the "only Holy One" or the only truly pure untainted entity in the galaxy.
"And it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place, that the cloud filled the house of the Lord, So that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of the Lord". (I Kings 8:10-11)
"Now on the day that the tabernacle was erected the cloud covered the tabernacle, the tent of the meeting, and in the evening it was like the appearance of fire over the tabernacle, until morning". (Numbers 9:15)

This is an image of the Cloud of God's Glory or the Shekinah as it appeared over the "Tent of the Meeting" in the wilderness as the Jews left Egypt. The Cloud of God's Glory is the flame that led the Jews in the wilderness, it is the flame that spoke to Moses from within the burning bush. It still burns very hot as you see in the above pictures, this is how the flame looked to the Jews in the wilderness as they left Egypt. In the bible proper it is repeatedly called "the Cloud of God's Glory" or the "Glory of the Lord". It is written that the second coming will come in "on a cloud", this is that cloud.

**All the original photos are still in the camera for inspection and have not been altered or modified in anyway.**  Included is a photo of the originals of the pictures as they are shown on the display screen on the back of the camera to show that they have not been altered or modified. All the photos that you see are the unedited originals only. For the "Doubting Thomas's" amongst us.

On the close up of the "Cloud of Glory's" face, you can see all the hidden symbols that the Father put in to explain what is now happening on the earth. I will explain their all meanings, just as the Father explained them to me. If you set this picture as your desktop background it will blow it up to proper size for you.
The first thing that you see in the photo is "White River of Life". It flows through the Father's image out to the left. It has a branch coming up to meet it and that represents "the Shoot of Jesse" (the second coming) mentioned in Isaiah 11:1-4.
1Then "a shoot" will spring from the "stem of Jesse", and a "branch from its roots" will bear fruit.  2The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. (Isaiah 11:1-4)

The two branches combine into one "White River", a bleaching or purifying river.

"The face in the white river" looking over to the Cloud of Glory (or the other term used is the "Glory of the Lord") is the second coming and "the white river" shows the bleaching or the purification process that he will bring to the whole world to cleanse it.
All the way on the right lower corner in the photo you see a smiling face, it is a representation of "a spirit of mirth" or Satan, the Accuser.

From Mirth's mouth and his eyes two black rivers flow towards the headwaters of the Father's main branch of the "white river", trying to foul it.
The black river flowing from Mirth's eyes is television. And the black river flowing from Mirth's mouth is radio. The broadcasting devices of Satan foretold in Revelation 13:15.
They are blocked just before they foul the white river by "the Hand Of God" pointing to the branch or the shoot of Jesse again from Isaiah 11:1.

The Hand of God pointing to "the Branch" mentioned in Isaiah 11:1
"The Branch" is also described in the book of Zechariah:
"Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is the Branch; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord; even he shall build the temple of the Lord; and he shall bear "the Lord's Glory" (the Cloud of God's Glory), and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a priest upon his throne; and the counsel of peace shall be between them both." Zechariah 6:12-13.

Note above - this is the picture of the "Shekinah" or "the Cloud of God's Glory" arriving back on the earth again after being gone about some 2000 years. It would make a very good computer "background screen" and it will provide you with a form of good luck if you use it in that capacity to show your honor for God and to always remind yourself that the very Holy Spirit of  God (Shekinah) is now back on the earth. Now the times, they will be a changing. The Shekinah brings "The New Ways" for "The New Days". And those new ways are contained herein in the New Holy Bible.
To make it a large picture that fills the whole screen (instead of just a little picture in the middle of your screen) you must do it in two steps. First right click and save the photo to your computer. Then find the photo on your computer and right click on it again and then select "set as computer background".

And as you can see in its picture, anytime the Shekinah desires it can still turn on the same beautiful flame that led the Jews in the wilderness. The Cloud of God's Glory's other nickname comes from its flame, it is

The Firestorm.
"I looked, and I saw "a firestorm" coming out of the north, an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. The center of the fire looked like glowing metal, and in the fire was what looked like four living creatures". (Ezekiel 1:4-5)

It is written in Revelation 10:1-11 that "a mighty angel clothed in a cloud" would arrive with a "little book" to save the nations:
"1And then I saw a mighty angel come down from Heaven, clothed with a cloud, and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire. 2And he had in his hand a little book open, and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, 3And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roared" (Revelation 10:1-3)

The "Cloud of God's Glory" or "the Shekinah" is the cloud that is mentioned, "The New Holy Bible" is the little book that is mentioned, and the mighty angel is the Messiah, the Second Coming of Lord Jesus Christ.

"And they shall see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great Glory" (Luke 21:27)

In this verse from Luke the "son of man" is the Second Coming of the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.  "The cloud" is again the Cloud of God's Glory or "the Shekinah". The Shekinah or "the cloud" is the vehicle which brought the "little book" down from Heaven to you.

And this "little book" is the Father's all New Holy Bible.

Now, the only ticket left to Heaven.

You might want to read it.

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Ancient Discoveries: Lost Science of the Bible (History Channel)Constantine tried to combine the so called "best bits" of paganism and a bit of the flavor of Christianity into one big multi headed monster that God calls "the abomination"

Catholic paganism is caused because Constantine "looked into the sun" at the Milvian Bridge

As the one of the main founders of Catholicism, Roman emperor Constantine took much of the mythology of the so called "Cult of Mithras"

 and carried it into Christianity to give us the sort of pagan/Christian hybrid that we now called Catholicism. 

For instance in order to honor the birthday of his favorite pagan God "Sol Invictus Mithras", Constantine ordered the official Mithras birthday of December 25th to also be the new fake birth date of Jesus.

 All of the pagan beliefs and practices of the so called "Cult of Mithras" is the real backbone that Catholicism is based on to this very day.

Constantine converted to a form of Christianity in the first place because just before a major battle for the control of the Roman Empire, he had a prophetic vision from God. 

On the eve of the battle at the Milvian Bridge in September 312AD, Constantine found in his dream the visage of Christ approach him as he looked up into the sun. The vision told him to paint the "Chi-Rho" or the overlaid Greek letters X and P (which was an early common representation for "Christ") on all the shields of his warriors and he would then win the battle, which he did do.

Because this vision "came out of the sun" it is clear that Constantine understood this mystical encounter in the terms that his own favorite pagan "Sun God" Sol Invictus Mithras was sending him a messenger in the form of the Christian deity. 

The fact that he saw the vision "coming out of the sun" caused in him the gross misunderstanding of the exact mechanics of how God sent him this message and it is the main reason he remained a half a pagan until his death. He thought that the pagan Sun God Mithras was working with the Christian deity Jesus hand in hand.

And that is how he set the foul pattern for Catholicism to this very day, half pagan and half Christian.

Constantine's full "conversion" to Christianity has always remained questionable for this and many other reasons, for instance when Constantine erected a triumphal arch opposite the Coliseum in Rome to celebrate the victory and he covered it with relief's of Mars, Jupiter, Hercules, and ascribed the victory to the power of the pagan Sun God Sol Invictas Mithras and not to Jesus or to God.

 Depictions of the battle on the arch show no soldier with any cross or Christian symbols on his shield, why was a major event like that not noted properly? Because it was not a full conversion, it was the half pagan and half Christian hybrid that we now call "Catholicism".

In fact to commemorate this very unique 50/50 pagan/Christian split, on the coins that he minted after his so called "conversion" he put both the symbols of Christianity and the symbols of the pagan sun God "Sol Invictus Mithras" on his coins, to see "The Pagan Coins of Constantine" click here.

In 330AD when his new capital, Constantinople (present day Istanbul) was created, it was committed to the care of the local protecting pagan deities, Rhea and Tyche. Constantine then built pagan temples for them all over his new capital, at the same time as he claimed to be a Christian, the very last thing a real one would do. This is the man who laid out the foul pagan blueprint that still is the still basis of Catholicism today and why the Father rejects their offensive try at a pagan/Christian hybrid.

You see Constantine's so called "conversion" to Christianity from pagan idolatry was always a half hearted one at best. 

He wanted to try to combine some of the "best parts" of paganism into his new religion of accepting Christianity.

 And the so called best parts of paganism that he brought with him include a new second God, old fake Mary (a Roman Venus God with a new name), praying to many so called "saints" (praying to Zeus, Apollo, Mercury with different names etc.), reverence to "graven images" (bowing and praying before the statues, saints relics etc.).

The foul legacy of the Catholic's and their need to pray to many Gods. A throwback to the days when that the pagan Romans had dozens of Gods such as Zeus, Apollo and Venus to choose from.

 Today the Catholic's pray to the so called "virgin Mary" and they also pray to all the so called "saints", which are just the old pagan Gods Mithras, Zeus, Apollo, and Venus with different names.

Constantine tried to come up with the supposed "best of both worlds" and the half pagan half Christian hybrid called Catholicism is the direct result of this witches brew of many false and forbidden religions trying to combine with real Christianity.

 Constantine always remained a half a pagan at heart and because of that Catholicism is the mess that it is today. And it is not pleasing to God. In fact God takes great offense at it.

The Roman Empire paid the price with Rome being sacked by the Visigoths in 410AD after it attempted to incorporate a pagan god into Christianity. In fact the Father collapsed the whole Roman Empire after they added in old fake Mary, but they still did not get the hint. 

 Then he started "the Dark Ages" (476-1200AD) when they still persisted with this fake "second God" that they pray to, but they still did not get it. He then sent them the Black Plague (1340's) and killed off over half of all Europe, but they still did not get the hint. 

He was very cranky and out of sorts until 1517 and the Protestant Reformation finally gave him a breath of fresh clean air. Now the Father could just ignore this pagan thorn in his side, Catholicism. The absolute misery that the world experienced until the Protestant Reformation could be a clue as to what the Father thinks of praying to another false pagan "queen of Heaven" idol. 
Some interesting tid-bits about old Constantine the founder of Catholicism that you should never forget include, (and these happen AFTER he became a so called "Christian" by the way): He had his own first son executed, his eldest son Crispus (strangled). He had his own wife executed, his wife Fausta (boiled alive)

Does that sound like something a real Christian would do? He was a zany guy to be sure. And to sign up new followers was pretty easy for him. "I got to try to sell this pagan ruse back in Rome" - famous Constantine quote. "It might even pick up a small following since if they don't do it I will kill them". "The world is saved!"  "Wait a minute, who is at our gates?"  "How can God be with us if we are about to collapse?"  "The greatest empire known to man can not just fall!"  "God owes us big time, I mean all Gods owe us big time, because we got them all covered!"  "Rome can not just collaps..............." - end of transmission.

Since his vision on the Milvian Bridge of Jesus was supposedly sent to him by Sol Invictus Mithras he thought old Mithras was the big cheese. 

And that is why he made paganism the dominant force within Catholicism and Christianity played second fiddle. Way in the back. Behind a pillar. Very very softly. So as not to wake up Zeus.

Constantine tried to combine the so called "best bits" of paganism and a bit of the flavor of Christianity into one big multi headed monster that God calls "the abomination". The multi headed beast that was to be put in power by Satan was predicted of in Revelation 13:1-4,
"Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names. (the fake second "Gods" Satan said to begin praying to, the virgin Mary and the so called "saints") 2And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were like those of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion and the dragon (Satan) gave him his power and his throne and great authority. 3I saw one of his heads as if it had been slain, and his fatal wound was healed (the Protestant Reformation did not fully kill the beast, it recovered) And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast; 4they worshiped the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, "Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him?" (Revelation 13:1-4)
God can wage war with him.
And the "grievous wound" that severely injured the head of the beast but that did not fully kill it was the Protestant Reformation. The multi headed monster was wounded by the grievous wound of the truth being told on it but the beast miraculously recovered. For a time. As it was written. And now that time is over. 
And what was the official name of the Frankenstein monster creation that Satan came up with? Catholicism. Bingo. What happens to you after you drop off the pagan half of that so called "religion"? You get a name change. You are now called

A Protestant.

And you can now go to Heaven..

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Proof Of Giants! Huge Skeletal Remains Forbidden Archeology--Re: Faith Alone, Equivalent to Nothing?

Faith Alone, Equivalent to Nothing?

Faith alone is equivalent to Spiritual alone. We don't live solely in a Spiritual Reality, our Reality is Spiritual and Physical. If Faith alone is sufficient then why must we do the Physical act of Praying or Repenting? Faith alone drawn down to its natural conclusion simply means No Physical acts, No Prayer, No Repentance, are needed for Salvation. Which also means no Physical acts can cause one to lose salvation, including mass murder. Faith alone is essentially nothing, without meaning, Void of Life or Dead. For just as a body without a spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead (James 2:26).

Is Faith Alone, Equivalent to Nothing?
Hebrews 10:26-27
26 If we sin deliberately after receiving knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains sacrifice for sins 27 but a fearful prospect of judgment and a flaming fire that is going to consume the adversaries.
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Old Today, 2:52 am
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Default Re: Faith Alone, Equivalent to Nothing?

Originally Posted by Azygos View Post
Faith alone is equivalent to Spiritual alone. We don't live solely in a Spiritual Reality, our Reality is Spiritual and Physical. If Faith alone is sufficient then why must we do the Physical act of Praying or Repenting? Faith alone drawn down to its natural conclusion simply means No Physical acts, No Prayer, No Repentance, are needed for Salvation. Which also means no Physical acts can cause one to lose salvation, including mass murder. Faith alone is essentially nothing, without meaning, Void of Life or Dead. For just as a body without a spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead (James 2:26).

Is Faith Alone, Equivalent to Nothing?
I respectfully disagree with everything you said above. You have to understand Sola fide within the context of the other Solas of the Protestant Reformation:

Sola scriptura (by Scripture alone)
Sola fide (by faith alone)
Sola gratia (by grace alone)
Solus Christus (Christ alone)
Soli Deo gloria (glory to God alone)

Faith is a gift of God. Faith comes by the agency of the word of God and the Holy Spirit (Romans 10:17; John 5:24)

Repentance is a gift of divine grace. The kindness of God leads us toward repentance (Romans 2:4). It comes from the word of God and the Spirit of God acting on the mind, will, and emotions. The individual is convinced of sin, becomes filled with Godly sorrow, and is renewed so that he turns from sin and seeks to live a life of obedience to God. This act of God's grace is an experience of faith. Repentance is not a one time thing but the way of life for a Christian, which God's grace enables us to live: "My grace is sufficient for you" (2 Cor. 12:9). Through the power of the Holy Spirit, continuing to walk in faith, strengthening our spiritual core by partaking in all and any means of grace (works of piety and works of mercy) that God provides, we can continue to overcome sin and carnality.

Justification is a work of grace and a judicial act of God where He remits the believer's sin and declares him righteous. The sole basis for this declaration and transference of righteousness is the obedience of Christ (who fulfilled all righteousness and was crucified for us, shedding his blood and making atonement for us). Christ's righteousness is transferred to the believer, freeing him from judgment and giving him the benefit of Christ's full merit. The only instrument for receiving this divine grace is faith in Jesus Christ.

We are justified by grace alone through faith alone.

God adopts the believer as a son or daughter. God goes on to transform the believer so that he becomes a partaker in the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4), and God's love is shed abroad in his heart by the Spirit (Romans 5:5). He is born again in a creative act of God's grace, again through faith (which comes by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit). The evidence for this transformation is the love of God shed abroad in the heart, the manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit, and the rejection of a life of sin.

Sanctification is a work of grace. It is provided for by the blood of Christ's atonement. The flesh is crucified and unrighteousness is purged from the believer. In sanctification, the graces planted within the believer in the new birth are released. The pursuit of holiness is the normal lifestyle for a believer.

This is all contrary to how you characterized "faith alone" above.
Stop acting like a Christian and just be one . . .
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Old Today, 3:50 am
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Default Re: Faith Alone, Equivalent to Nothing?

Read James 2. Faith without works of charity is dead. Bible truth.
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Old Today, 3:54 am
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Default Re: Faith Alone, Equivalent to Nothing?

Amen.................even the demons have faith in Gods existence.

The Mystical Vision of the Virgin Mother is not intended for merely passive enjoyment but has been said to carry a transforming power, as those who have had the privilege of beholding The Queen of Heaven have dedicated their lives to Her service.
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Old Today, 5:08 am
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Default Re: Faith Alone, Equivalent to Nothing?

I can only speak clearly for one Protestant faith since I was a member of that denomination before converting to Catholicism.

When I was Baptist, I never heard about repenting of a sin. When I got "saved" at 5 and said the Sinner's Prayer, I was taught that all my sins in the past, present and future are forgiven. So if all my sins in the future were already forgiven, there would be no need to confess and repent of them. This of course is a concept that is gravely wrong, but that is how they are taught.

They believe that their faith alone in Jesus Christ will save them and it does not matter what they do, they will still be saved because they "asked Jesus to come into their heart and save them."

Praise God I found the Catholic Church
__________________ one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again; this charge I have received from my Father. John 10:18
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Old Today, 6:00 am
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Default Re: Faith Alone, Equivalent to Nothing?

In defense of protestant theology, I dont think they mean nothing physical is neccessary. I believe Martin Luther even stated that works are neccessary for the Christian, but they are not what saves them. They say, it is faith alone that saves them and then faith is nothing without works.
To me, its not as negative as you are making it seem. But I also think it should prompt them to think deaper about our participation in our salvation. That is what protestantism is so affraid to think...that we participate in our actual salvation. As though it will take away some of Gods glory. Or more importantly, that it means that we deserved to be saved. These fears are not rationally based. They are excuses.
Catholics who walk their faith are in the frame of heart that we are saved by "Grace Alone" and through faith and works. Protestants could also use their own accusations that their faith merited salvation as though they would be faithfull without Jesus' sacrifice. But we dont play that game. It really is misunderstanding for protestantism. From their own view point. For instance, if we understood our teaching as they believe it, then we would not believe it either.
The reality of justification through faith and works is known because our faith is always challenged and attacked. We must fulfill our faith in works. We must work out our salvation. True faith does understand that the works are from God and done through us. But not as though we are robots. We give consent of will, and effort to bring God into our life. We pick up and carry our crosses. Justification is not a one time deal. It is our life's test...til the end.
I think a large motive in creating the faith alone doctrine was the desire of assurance of salvation. This, then leads to a host of compromises and underminds anything the Church teaches, if it is too difficult to understand, or seems contrary to their understanding.

Remember what the works of the spirit are. The first work is repentance. And also forgiving others. These two are neccessary for salvation. Its not WHY God chose to redeem us, but it is How God redeems us. He chose to redeem us out of His goodness and grace alone.

God Bless,
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Old Today, 6:15 am
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Default Re: Faith Alone, Equivalent to Nothing?

Originally Posted by aidanbradypop View Post
They believe that their faith alone in Jesus Christ will save them and it does not matter what they do, they will still be saved because they "asked Jesus to come into their heart and save them
Right. This can lead them to believe, no matter what i do, I am saved. Again, I think most protestants are actually doing God's work in their lives. It is never Catholics who are accussing them of this. But these rejections of our faith give them division. It comes down to rejecting the Lords true supper. This is the guilt of protestant teachers; that they keep children from the eucharist.

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Old Today, 6:38 am
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Default Re: Faith Alone, Equivalent to Nothing?

A number of years ago, I got in a debate with a protestant about this. I gave him this logic: if you do not think works are necessary for Salvation, does,it at least stand to reason that someone who has faith will also have works follow? He agreed. I should not have "compromised", but he DID see that work was necessary. The argument may not be exactly theologically correct, but it did the trick. He did give up sola fide in the strict sense seeing a that a genuine faith in God, makes one love God, and will make one want to love and serve God's servants to help bring about the Kingdom.
It is a good thing we have Apostolic Tradition backing up the fourth Marian dogma...otherwise it would only be a matter of Assumption.
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Old Today, 6:45 am
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Default Re: Faith Alone, Equivalent to Nothing?

Faith alone without Sacrific is Nothing..
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Old Today, 7:14 am
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Default Re: Faith Alone, Equivalent to Nothing?

Originally Posted by Azygos View Post
Faith alone is equivalent to Spiritual alone. We don't live solely in a Spiritual Reality, our Reality is Spiritual and Physical. If Faith alone is sufficient then why must we do the Physical act of Praying or Repenting? Faith alone drawn down to its natural conclusion simply means No Physical acts, No Prayer, No Repentance, are needed for Salvation. Which also means no Physical acts can cause one to lose salvation, including mass murder. Faith alone is essentially nothing, without meaning, Void of Life or Dead. For just as a body without a spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead (James 2:26).

Is Faith Alone, Equivalent to Nothing?
Yes, it is equivalent to nothing. One can call the Lord, Lord, but if he does not do what the Lord wants him to do, it will come to nothing.

Lord, by your cross and resurrection
you have set us free.
You are the Savior of the world.

Life begins at conception not implantation.
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Old Today, 11:45 am
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Default Re: Faith Alone, Equivalent to Nothing?

Originally Posted by aidanbradypop View Post
I can only speak clearly for one Protestant faith since I was a member of that denomination before converting to Catholicism.

When I was Baptist, I never heard about repenting of a sin. When I got "saved" at 5 and said the Sinner's Prayer, I was taught that all my sins in the past, present and future are forgiven. So if all my sins in the future were already forgiven, there would be no need to confess and repent of them. This of course is a concept that is gravely wrong, but that is how they are taught.
You may have mentioned this before and I've forgotten, but what Baptist church was it you were in? I've attended three different conferences of Baptist churches, and none of them teach anything like what you have described.

For Southern Baptists, Boyce is the most commonly referred to systematic theology, and he says this about justification:
It is thus evident that works occupy the position of subsequent, not antecedent, accompaniments of justification. They manifest that justification has taken place, because they are invariable consequence. They do this, however, not before man only, but God also, and consequently he, as well as man, perceives them, and because of them the believer performing these good works is justified before God. But such justification is not that actual justification which takes place in connection with faith, which is the judicial act of God declaring the relation of the believer to the law, but that declarative or manifesting justification, which cannot exist except as the result of the actual justification, but which is so inseparably connected with the latter that by its presence, or absence, the existence or non-existence of justification is distinctly established.
And this about repentance:
To set forth explicitly what Christian Repentance is, it may be stated that it includes

1. An intellectual and spiritual perception of the opposition between holiness in God and sin in man. It does not look at sin as the cause of punishment but abhors it because it is vile in the sight of God and involves in heinous guilt all who are sinners.

2. It consequently includes sorrow and self-loathing, and earnest desire to escape the evil of sin. The penitent soul does not so much feel the greatness of its danger as the greatness of its sinfulness.

3. It also includes an earnest turning to God for help and deliverance from sin, seeking pardon for guilt and aid to escape its presence.

It is also accompanied by deep regret because of the sins committed in the past, and by determination with God's help to avoid sin and live in holiness hereafter. The heart heretofore against God and for sin is now against sin and for God.
And of sanctification:
2. It is a real sanctification, not merely one that is imputed, as is righteousness. Holiness is not merely "accounted to men," so that they are treated as though holy, but they are made holy. Holiness becomes the characteristic of their natures. It is habitually exercised in their lives. It will eventually be possessed in perfection. It is real and in no sense only virtual.

3. It is of the whole nature. The renewed nature, given in regeneration, shows that sanctification includes the whole spiritual part of man. It is not to be confined to mere outward actions. . . But sanctification is to be extended to the body likewise. Its appetites and passions are to be controlled, wicked actions are to cease, and unholy habits to be put away, the members of the body are to be mortified, all filthiness of the flesh to be cleansed, good works are to be exhibited to mankind, and such high moral duties to be performed as are imposed upon Christians as obligatory towards each other and the world.
Originally Posted by Azygos View Post
Faith alone is equivalent to Spiritual alone. We don't live solely in a Spiritual Reality, our Reality is Spiritual and Physical. If Faith alone is sufficient then why must we do the Physical act of Praying or Repenting?
Itwin pointed out that sola fide is not the sum total of Christian theology. Justification is often referred to as being by grace alone, through faith alone, for Christ's sake alone, but justification is not all there is to man's relationship to God. Election, calling, conversion, repentance, faith, justification, adoption, sanctification, and perseverance are all chapters in understanding our relationship to God, even for those who hold the concept of sola fide.
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Old Today, 12:01 pm
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Default Re: Faith Alone, Equivalent to Nothing?

Originally Posted by Azygos View Post
Faith alone is equivalent to Spiritual alone. We don't live solely in a Spiritual Reality, our Reality is Spiritual and Physical. If Faith alone is sufficient then why must we do the Physical act of Praying or Repenting? Faith alone drawn down to its natural conclusion simply means No Physical acts, No Prayer, No Repentance, are needed for Salvation. Which also means no Physical acts can cause one to lose salvation, including mass murder. Faith alone is essentially nothing, without meaning, Void of Life or Dead. For just as a body without a spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead (James 2:26).

Is Faith Alone, Equivalent to Nothing?
I am a Christian who adheres to faith alone theology which is misunderstood by Protestants and Catholics alike. We are not saved by faith nor are we saved by our faith in Christ. Our faith has an object which saves us. The object of our faith (Christ) saves us from the wrath of God, reconciles us to God, and is the sole basis of our eternal adoption as sons of God (sonship).
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Old Today, 12:10 pm
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Default Re: Faith Alone, Equivalent to Nothing?

You guys are not staying on topic. You are trying to define Salvation by Faith Alone as other things that are not by Faith Alone by adding to the doctrine of Faith Alone.

In order to continue this conversation I must ask the all you protestants a Yes or No, question.

Are you saved by Faith Alone?

Yes or No?
Hebrews 10:26-27
26 If we sin deliberately after receiving knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains sacrifice for sins 27 but a fearful prospect of judgment and a flaming fire that is going to consume the adversaries.
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Unread Today, 12:15 pm
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Default Re: Faith Alone, Equivalent to Nothing?

Originally Posted by Christian Unity View Post
I am a Christian who adheres to faith alone theology which is misunderstood by Protestants and Catholics alike. We are not saved by faith nor are we saved by our faith in Christ. Our faith has an object which saves us. The object of our faith (Christ) saves us from the wrath of God, reconciles us to God, and is the sole basis of our eternal adoption as sons of God (sonship).
There is a short article by Rod Rosenbladt that paints that same picture. Here are a couple of my favorite quotes:
Melanchthon had a different sort of temperament than Luther. Some would call him timid; others of a less generous bent might call him spineless. At one time, while Luther was off in the Wartburg castle translating, Melanchthon had another one of his attacks of timidity. He wrote to Luther, "I woke this morning wondering if I trust Christ enough." Luther received such letters from Melanchthon regularly. He had a tendency, a propensity, to navel-gaze and to wonder about the state of his inner faith, and whether it was enough to save. Finally, in an effort to pull out all the stops and pull Melanchthon out of himself, Luther wrote back and said, "Melanchthon! Go sin bravely! Then go to the cross and bravely confess it! The whole gospel is outside of us."

This story has been told time and time again by less sympathetic observers than I in an effort to caricature Luther and the Reformation generally as advocates of licentious abandon. . . Luther's frustrated counsel was not an invitation to serve sin, but an attempt to shock Melanchthon into realizing that his only true righteousness was external to him: "The whole gospel is outside of us."

. . . A friend of mine was walking down a street in Minneapolis one day and was confronted by an evangelical brother who asked, "Brother, are you saved?" Hal rolled his eyes back and said, "Yes." That didn't satisfy this brother, so he said, "Well, when were you saved?" Hal said, "About two thousand years ago, about a twenty minutes' walk from downtown Jerusalem." This is the gospel message.
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