Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Prophets of Doom We are facing many serious issue all at once History .CONSTANTINE'S COUNTERFEIT JESUS..

At the beginning of the 4th century, a monumental event occurred for the Church. In AD 306, Constantine became the first Christian Roman Emperor. 

At first, he had a rather pluralistic view and accorded Jews the same religious rights as Christians. However, in AD 321, he made Christianity the official religion of the Empire. This signaled the end of the persecution of Christians, but the beginning of discrimination and persecution of the Jewish people.

Already at a council in Elvira (Spain) in AD 305, declarations were made to keep Jews and Christians apart, including ordering Christians not to share meals with Jews, not to marry Jews, not to use Jews to bless their fields, and not to observe the Jewish Sabbath.

Imperial Rome, in AD 313, issued the Edict of Milan, which granted favor to Christianity, while outlawing synagogues.

Then, in AD 315, another edict allowed the burning of Jews if they were convicted of breaking the laws. As Christianity was becoming the religion of the state, further laws were passed against the Jews:

  • The ancient privileges granted to the Jews were withdrawn.
  • Rabbinical jurisdiction was abolished or severely curtailed.
  • Proselytism was prohibited and made punishable by death.
  • Jews were excluded from holding high office or a military career.
These and other restrictions were confirmed over and over again by various Church councils for the next 1,000 years.
In AD 321, Constantine decreed all business should cease on "the honored day of the sun." By substituting Sunday for Saturday as the day for Christian worship, he further advanced the split. This Jewish Shabbat / Christian Sunday controversy also came up at the first real ecumenical Council of Nicea (AD 325), which concluded Sunday to be the Christian day of rest, although it was debated for long after that.

Answer for yourself: What should this tell us? 

Simply that up until the early 4th century non-Jewish believers in God were taught to keep and observe the Sabbath along with the Jews!

Overnight, Christianity was given the power of the Imperial State, and the emperors began to translate the concepts and claims of the Christian theologians against the Jews and Judaism into practice.

 Instead of the Church taking this opportunity to spread its Gospel message in love, it truly became the Church Triumphant, ready to vanquish its foes (first it was the Jews and later it would be Gnosticism and any who would dare to disbelieve the imperial religious doctrine).
After 321, the writings of the Church fathers changed in character. No longer was it on the defensive and apologetic, but aggressive, directing its venom at everyone "outside of the flock," in particular the Jewish people who could be found in almost every community and nation.

1Thes 1:9 9 For they themselves shew of us what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God; (KJV)

The above passage refers to Non-Jews who turned from idols to serve the living God of the Jews. They had just come out of idolatry. And that was fine when gentiles first entered the faith. They didn't know the Law, that they had a Covenant with God or that God expected of them to observe and keep His "appointed times" and Holy Days" like the Sabbath. But they could learn.

 They attended the synagogues, on Shabbot and observed "ALL" of the Jewish Biblical Holy Days. But Constantine and others made sure they did not continue to learn the Ways of God. 

He made sure that everything Jewish was removed from the then "existing" church.

You might want to look up the word "gentile". It means pagan. It means anyone outside Judeo Christian faith. Webster's dictionary states: "Gentile....anyone belonging to a non Jewish nation; anyone who is not a JEW OR A CHRISTIAN." Yet Christians today claim the title of Gentile. 

This is part of the Lie that Constantine started and it obviously continues today.

 If you are a believer in the God of Israel through Yeshua then you are no longer a Gentile. You are grafted in to the Olive tree, which is Israel. And that being so then you should resemble Israel in your worship!

Rom 11:24 24 For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert graffed contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be graffed into their own olive tree? (KJV)

Answer for yourself: 

Have you ever noticed that any reference to Yeshua and the early church being a part of Judaism brings accusations of "Pharisee" "Legalist" and after that comes "one who would stone Christ" and finally "Christ Killers".

 This kind of talk brought us the Inquisition, the Crusades and the Holocaust.


A terrible deception has occurred and the vast majority of 2.5 billion Christians haven't a clue. Today in Gentile Christianity we have accepted a Constantine Jesus instead of the Jewish Messiah. Through Constantine's clever ruse of "replacement religion" we have centered in Christianity today not a Jewish Messiah but a Gentile Messiah. This person will look for all the world like the Messiah pictured in Christian paintings. He will look extremely "Gentile". This false messiah has and will continue to infiltrate the church. He will speak of Easter and Christmas and Sunday as if they were God's Holy Days. He will not allow Sabbath worship. He will declare Sunday as the Sabbath Day. As long as you worship the "Gentile Jesus" you won't have to worry about persecution. Nobody is going to bother you. You will be safe in your church and deceived the false comfort provided by errant theology. All this because you believed The Lie. The lie that you are separate from Israel. The lie that says the Olive tree is dead. The lie that says the Law is dead. The lie that says you are somehow better than Israel because you will be ‘taken out' of the world in the day of Jacob's trouble. And the lie that says the Commandments of Almighty God are passed away. The lie says that you, as a Gentile Christian believer, have replaced Israel and that you are "the New Israel".


Rom 11:17-18 17 And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree (Israel); 18 Boast not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the root thee. (KJV)

We must begin at the beginning; namely with the Biblical Calendar. We can call this for all practical purposes the Jewish Calendar for I have found, as you will if you do the study, that "Jewish" is a synonym for "Biblical". I wish that could be said for the Christian Church but it simply is not so; in fact the opposite is more often the rule.

 The Lord's Calendar is a diary of His Appointments of His "appointed times" with mankind. These are specific times on which He wants to meet with us. 

The word ‘set time' in Hebrew is "moed". It means an 'appointment' and a'rehearsal'.These are appointments set in eternity as rehearsals for what is to come. 

We find time and time again when consulting the Hebrew words for the non-Jewish believer in God in the Hebrew Scriptures example after example of the non-Jew keeping and observing the Sabbath and the these Biblical "appointed times" and Biblical Festivals and Feasts with the Jew in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Old Testament. Many never see this for they know not where or how to look or study at this level. Words like "alien", "foreigner" and "stranger" go unnoticed in the Old Testament in contexts regarding these Holy Days of the Lord yet everyone of them is a beautiful picture of the overall "Pattern of Worship" given by God to all His children; to all mankind. Again and again God emphasizes to both the Jew as well as the non-Jew that we are to keep the Feasts at their appointed time as "rehearsals" for Eternity.

Numbers 9:2 says: "Make the Israelites celebrate the Passover at the appointed time."
In verse 14 we read, "A foreigner living among you who wants to celebrate the LORD's Passover must do so in accordance with its rules and regulations. You must have the same regulations for the foreigner and the native-born."

Isa 56:1-2 1 Thus saith the LORD, Keep ye judgment, and do justice: for my salvation is near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed. 2 Blessed is the man that doeth this, and the son of man that layeth hold on it; that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his hand from doing any evil. (KJV)

But you read the above verse thinking this was a commandment for the Jew only most likely. But let us keep reading.
Isa 56:6-7 6 Also the sons of the strangerthat join themselves to the LORD, to serve him, and to love the name of the LORD, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the sabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant; 7 Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people (nations). (KJV)

Wow. Here we have the example of non-Jews keeping the Sabbath of God let alone participating in Temple worship and the Sacrificial System. It would appear to me and hopefully you that these non-Jews are definitely "grafted" into the Israel of God more so than Christians today regardless of what they want to believe about themselves.

Isa 56:8 8 The Lord GOD which gathereth the outcasts of Israel saith, Yet will I gather others to him, beside those that are gathered unto him. (KJV)

ake a look at this chapter and you will see the church as it was/is supposed to be. We were supposed to learn about and keep the Lord's Sabbaths (the weekly sabbath as well as God's "High Sabbath" which are more commonly known as the Biblical Festivals and Feasts. We are plainly Commanded here to keep the Sabbaths of the Lord. We are now getting the chance to learn and do as many are returning to the Hebrew roots of the church. Let us do so in thanksgiving and delight.

If you so desire, Bet Emet Ministries offers a comprehensive CD of all of our Websites. Included with it is a "study plan" to assure the proper Spiritual evolution of your Soul and its proper development through the following in-depth studies. There is an order in which these 15 websites with numerous articles, should be "studied." This will help to maximize your spiritual growth. Just click on this link for the details as to how you can obtain the CD that consists of the ministry's websites, or should I say, books that were written over the last fifteen to twenty years. Many of these sites are actually books, consisting of hundreds of pages of knowledge that the Roman Church intended you never come to know.

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