Top Comments
- God is all loving and lady GaGa preaches love. What's wrong with that?·
- Jesus Christ is Lord and God in the Flesh!
All Comments (80)
- That's what Christians believe, I'm not a Christian. can guess my religion?
- honey if you read tjhe bible you would know theres the father the son and the holy spirit and there all one
- Jesus Christ is God's loser son, stop worshiping him and start worshiping God.
- Oh my god dude shut the fuck up with religion... No one in our generation or any more of ours cares anymore, so shut the fu,k up. Haha were all gonna burn i hell, you too. Actually we all are in it already haha. So shut up and deal with it...
· - the bible is crap it was written by people not god, people's writings are biased, the mean absolutely nothing. any book could be considered "biblical".
· - and the most important thing, the difference between Gaga fans and pastor Michael fans is that we don`t hate or judge. Paws up, Michael, stop hating what you can`t understand, open your heart because God is not only in the Bible. you are a funny guy
· - It is within the human nature to judge and be afraid of what it cannot comprehend. unfortunately for the pastor, he didn`t get the point. Lady Gaga is nothing but freedom, love, art and i believe all these are God related. you can`t seriously believe all the eggs are satan items, can you? BTW, this is a VESSEL!!!!! Pastor Michal still believes that rock music is satanic, so..... but we already know he was born this way.
· - Well, gagafashion4ever, please watch part 3, it shows the red carpet egg stunt, where her handlers describe her 3 day incubation, then resurrection with new DNA, "it's her destiny" They said. Or let me guess, you did not get one minute into this video before you commented.
- LoL
- Born This Way is the reason I stopped listening to her music. I was a BIG BIG BIG BIG fan of Gaga. BUT now no more. Believe him (God), capital H-I-M (devil), u search in Wikipedia what does HIM mean and you will be scared by Gaga.